digiGO: 'Digital chain cooperation must go to the next level'

September 10, 2024
2 min

digiGO is a partner of the upcoming DigiBouw. Like the fair, this independent foundation promotes digital adoption in the design, construction and engineering (OBT) sector. "In doing so, we focus specifically on digital chain collaboration," explains digiGO director Pieter van Teeffelen.

digiGO supports, directs and monitors the design and implementation of several national digitization projects for the OBT sector. These 'digiDeals' contribute to tackling societal challenges. Such as nitrogen reduction and building more homes.

Guidelines and standards
In addition, a growing group of professionals from the design, construction and engineering sectors meet regularly in the digiGO 'clubhouse' around various themes.
Together they work on digital guidelines and tools, such as the BIM basic ILS and the ILS Configurator. DigiGO also directs a number of standards to simplify digital chain collaboration, such as the NLCS.

Sharing knowledge and experiences
DigiBouw offers digiGO and its network, according to Van Teeffelen, "an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and experiences around digital chain cooperation. And to further scale up developed guidelines and tools and make them available to the entire sector."

Digital maturity
They can use the insights gained by frontrunners and trade show participants for what digiGO refers to as the "growth toward digital maturity. That term comes from the recently published National digiMonitor. "This shows that the vision of digitization in the chain must be promoted. Moreover, investments in the process and people side of digital transformation should also be focused on in particular."

More about digiGO
digiGO is the network of, for and by professionals in the design, construction, and engineering sectors, for accelerating digital chain collaboration. See www.digigo.nu.


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