Taking the step towards digitization together

October 15, 2024
3 min

Digitization helps to reduce failure costs, to realize construction tasks faster, and makes collaboration easier and more efficient. The Administrative Agreement signed on digiGO D-Day is therefore an important step towards a digital future for the entire construction sector.

The Administrative Agreement Digital Built Environment '27 is an agreement by more than forty chain parties from the design, construction and engineering sectors to cooperate more and better digitally. The agreement consists of (for now) 21 policy measures aimed at standardizing crucial information about the built environment and sharing this information between chain partners in a uniform and secure manner.

Speaking the same language

Martijn Heijstek, project manager of the Administrative Agreement, explains: 'Each measure indicates for a specific chain process how and according to which standard data will be exchanged there. That gives all parties certainty that we will be speaking the same language within the sector. By all opting for the same standards, we can work more easily with all parties and together we will realize the acceleration.'
Roger Tan, Director of Programs & Projects of the digiGO Foundation and initiator of the Administrative Agreement adds: 'This Administrative Agreement was concluded to achieve digitization sector-wide and in a mature manner. There is a small group of pioneers who are already doing very well, but we also want SMEs to join this movement. And that we as a sector embrace digitization together. ' SME companies from across the sector are therefore meeting at DigiBouw on November 20 & 21 to share experiences and further develop digital transformation together. DigiBouw provides a platform for the sector to tackle the challenges and opportunities of digitization in a sustainable and future-proof way.

Digital standards and guidelines
There are now about two hundred information standards and guidelines used within the construction industry. In addition, there are also organizations that have developed their own standards that they use with their own chain partners. That is far from efficient, because for every construction project you first have to make agreements about the standards to be applied. That involves extra costs and lead time,' says Heijstek. With a fixed set of digital standards and guidelines for the most important chain processes, we bring line into that enormous range. And that in turn enables parties to further automate and speed up their processes, because if you always receive the information in the same way, you can more easily automate its processing.'

Digital System for the Built Environment (DSGO)
The Digital System for the Built Environment (DSGO) enables sector-wide data exchange in a secure, controlled manner. Roger Tan explains: "The digital world is all about 'systems' talking to 'systems.' The system of the national real estate company, for example, must be able to share data with the systems of developers, maintenance companies, construction companies and municipalities, among others. To make this possible in a uniform way, technical, legal and organizational agreements on data sharing are needed, and that is the basis of DSGO. More and better cooperation is only possible if all parties in the sector can exchange data safely and reliably. Signing the Digital Built Environment Administrative Agreement '27 is the starting shot for that digital cooperation.

For the agenda
The digiGO D-Day will take place on October 16 at the Spant in Bussum. The D-Day is an annual event for digital innovation and collaboration within the design, construction and engineering sectors, bringing together frontrunners in digitalization in construction. You can register here; participation in D-Day is free when creating a MijndigiGO account.

Want to meet design, construction and engineering professionals from across the chain?
Then come to DigiBouw on November 20 or 21, 2024 at Jaarbeurs Utrecht. The event where industry frontrunners meet with design, construction and engineering professionals. From the entire chain they will discuss new technologies and digitalization. There are fifty inspiring knowledge sessions from top speakers and administrators from the construction sector. Furthermore, leading companies share innovative solutions and interesting practical case studies. Immerse yourself in topics such as AI, safety, BIM, digitization, change management, cybersecurity and construction site of the future.
A ticket costs €49.95 (excluding VAT, including coffee/tea, lunch, afternoon snack) and is valid for Wednesday, November 20 or Thursday, November 21. Order your ticket here.

You'll meet digiGO during DigiBouw at booth number B010. Learn more about digiGO at www.digigo.nu.

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